Tuesday, December 25, 2007
在我们的爱情中 总是太多风波
忘记它 才能安然度过
释怀后的拥抱虽短 感动却很久
就在爱情离开了我 那么久以后
我还清晰 记得在你怀中丰富感受
只一秒钟 却永远了
虽然许多爱的可能 在门外经过
为甚么我还深锁自己 无动于衷
只一秒钟 却成为了永远
Posted by Jane at 1:36 AM
Friday, December 21, 2007
卓文萱 [手心]
卓文萱 [手心]
我 一个人徘徊在 我们的海
爱 距离也分不开
那一天手心里的爱 我放不开
当你回来的时候我一定要跟你说 别再走开
我 跟寂寞在比赛
泪 不可以掉下来
那一天手心里的爱 我放不开
当你回来的时候我一定要跟你说 别再走开贝
壳握在手心 静静的变得温暖
那一天手心里的爱 我放不开
当我祈祷的时候 天使都不在
当我痛苦的时候 也只好习惯
当你回来的时候 我一定要跟你说
别再 别再走开
Posted by Jane at 12:44 AM
Thursday, December 20, 2007
chocolate teach me a lesson
Made chocolate for my colleague.
at first, i didn't allow my sis to bring for her colleague.. at last i agreed.. as i also afraid tat we cant finish it.
so ya.. her colleague gave me a small chocolate in return.. a small one.. tis really make my day..
and compare tis with my colleague.. things are so much different
guess what.. not even a “thank you”Rather.. I make a fool of myself.. I bring the biggest potion for them..
I thought they will happily finish it up like the last time I made for them
I guess things are different now..Cos "He" is not around, I don't get privileges anymore
Seriously it doesn't matter to me if the chocolate ended up in the rubbish bin or in their stomach.Cos every time anybody eats that chocolate.. They will start making fun of me.. eat one equal to my heart have to pain one time... they even paste one sticker on the container! and they even say until one of them need to split it out in rubbish bin!
"Hey.. seriously.. those chocolate doesn't taste tat bad!" it taste so much better than the previous one i made.. i purposely choose good chocolate to make it.
they are jus a bunch of unappreciative people....
or it's jus my luck!
Who on earth can be more "lucky" than me to have a bunch of colleague like them! Put so much effort to make chocolate for them.. and still have to end up so pain... i hate tis kind of feeling.. make me feel like scolding vulgarity. ****
If Astley is still around.. he will definitely finish it de.
i cant bring it home.. as i told my family tat they will finish all my chocolate.. cos there got alot ppl.. i always thought i got a supportive team...
wat would they think if i bring it home? will they worry for me?
i hope it's not too late to realise all my stupidity...
Like wat pastor said, "With friends like tat, you don't need enemies."
It's ok. It's really ok. People like them make me grow stronger! I am stronger than yesterday!
i believe God gives everybody the equal amount of happiness and unhappiness! jus tat i am taking all my unhappiness all at one go.. so next time i will enjoy all my happiness!
God, bless me me with more strength to go through bigger challenge!Amen!
Posted by Jane at 9:40 PM
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
在不开心的时候,想你的感觉更多了, 不是因为你带给我都是不开心的感觉, 那是因为你都懂我的每一个不开心,懂得怎么安慰我,哄我开心, 逗我笑。
每一次,他们欺负我的时候,你会帮我出头,当我的挡箭牌,保护着我, 我就不会害怕, 如果我做错了, 你也会耐心的教我。
没有你, 就像下雨时,没有雨伞。 非常无助, 不知道下一步要往那里走。你知道我很不厉害讲话,又不聪明,所以做什么, 说什么都成为大家的笑柄。当所有的人都在笑我时,好无奈啊,如果生气的话, 我就算输了, 也只好硬着头皮强颜欢笑,当做一幅无所谓的样子,心里却好像被一百万支刀插进去一样痛,就算跌到了,自己还要爬起来, 笑着跟大家说没事!我想也只能这样,其实我不希望大家都讨厌我。如果你还在就好了, 能教我怎么做。你知道我最不擅长掩饰自己的心情了,可能是你太厉害, 一眼就被你看穿我不开心,即使我不说, 你也会都知道。
可是,我留下来了, 因为那里有着我跟你一起的回忆。
在孤单时, 学会独立。
在脆弱时, 学会坚强。
你曾经说过会帮我,把我变得对自己比较有自信, 我想你离开我也是帮我的其中一个方法,虽然很苦,我也真的很努力,因为我知道你在默默的守护着我。
有时候想着想着也会不知不觉的哭了。想要向你求救, 向你诉苦, 却你又不在, 都会让我觉得很想放弃, 现在,我有的只有对你的记忆,有的是记忆里,你跟我说的那句“你要加油哦!”
Posted by Jane at 11:36 PM
Saturday, December 08, 2007
haha.. you wont believe tis
haha.. you wont believe tis....
ur com is spoilt!!!!

i put tis in my msn display pic

am i pretty?

tis is hui xian... haha...

tis is wat liling told me.. lol..
if u have difficult in breathing now... PLS DO NOT SCROLL DOWN!!!!
Ta da...
told you dont scroll down liao.. haha...
Posted by Jane at 6:46 PM
Monday, December 03, 2007
random post
recently... been thinking too much ...
dunno wat am i thinking too..
best friend make me feel better about myself..
thanks Raymond... i mean Ryan! haha... =X
Posted by Jane at 11:25 PM
happy birthday to me!!!

I wished to be happy everyday!!! opps... i shouldnt have say out!

Posted by Jane at 11:01 PM
not been very happy recently...
not really have any reason for being unhappy.. maybe
jus a bit of everything..
i want so many things!!!
dont even have own workspace!!!
when is my pay rise?
start to worry about my
financial le.. when i am genourous to people.. who are going to worry for me.. haha...
Bless me ba!!!
Dear God, can i have my advance blessing and let me go in Peace earlier?
Thank you.
Posted by Jane at 10:53 PM