Friday, February 22, 2008
衷 难 有
我心 忘
喜 们
歡 有 走
你 笑 悲 过
爱 难 有 相
情 忘 起 同
幸 喜 有 岁
福 悦 伏 月
你 爱 是 就在 你 非 算
我 想 对 月
心 你 错 亮
永 我 难 不
不 甘 分 再
变 願 辨 圆
Posted by Jane at 2:29 PM
For Ryan
Alright apologiesssssssssssssss......
for not blogging for sooo long..
Reason for blogging.. is to gather power in praying
Prayer Request : Please pray for Ryan Koh Chew Peng, now was hospitalized is NUH ward 12 bed 25. .
he got better after some bible message.. so please continue to pray for him..
He is having mental problem, we do not know the exact cause. it was quite shock to see reacting like tis, seeing her mother cries, make me feel really heartbreak. i am speechless. so People here.. regardless of race or religion, please do pray for him for speedy recover.
Manys Thanks in advance..
Posted by Jane at 12:52 PM
student's blog
student wrote about me in her blog..
They likes me.. :)
Posted by Jane at 12:21 PM